The Biochemic Way to Health

Using Dr. Schuessler’s biochemic cell salt remedies to overcome common health disorders

© 2016 by Prashant S. Shah,; the author of the book: The Biochemic Prescriber – available from Amazon and Kindle online bookstores.


  • Introduction
  • The twelve tissue-salts
  • A summary
  • The leading Remedies for Common Diseases


The_Biochemic_Prescr_Cover_for_KindleIn the 18th century there was great interest in the biochemistry of cells. In 1873, Dr. Schuessler analysed the ash content of human cells and identified twelve inorganic tissue salts that are essential for the healthy functioning of our body.

He believed that there is a biochemical basis to cellular health and vitality of the body organs, and they are maintained by a balance of these twelve tissue salts. Thus, these inorganic tissue-salts were considered to play a vital role in healthy functioning of the human body: in digesting food; in assimilating nutrients; and in eliminating the biological waste products.

Whenever there is a deficiency of any of these inorganic salts in the body tissues, certain typical symptoms are found to arise. So, when you observe such symptoms in a person, all you have to do is supply the deficient salt in a potentised form (6X). It will stimulate the vital force of the body, which will do the healing.

Dr. Schuessler administered the tissue-salts in a potentised or vibrated form. He commonly used the 6X potency to restore the vital force at the vibration level. When the vital force is restored, it becomes active and does the healing.

In this therapy you do not suppress the symptoms of a disease to claim a quick cure. Instead you focus on restoring the healing power of the vital force and allow it to do the healing through a natural process. Further, the healing is considered to happen through a biochemical process. Hence, these ‘inorganic salt supplements’ are called ‘Biochemic Remedies’ or simply the Biochemic tissue-salts. They can be purchased in the potentialised form (6X) from most Homeopathic Pharmacies and online stores.

These inorganic salts are present in the blood, lymph, bone, nerves, etc. Whenever there is a deficiency of one or more of these tissue-salts in the body organs certain symptoms arise in the body. The biochemic remedy in all such cases is to stimulate the vital force of the body with a potentised form of the deficient tissue salt. Then the body will on its own begin to overcome its deficiency and heal itself.

It is interesting to note that Dr. Schuessler was originally a homoeopath. Hence, this therapy has been given a supportive role in homeopathic treatment. However, the basis for selecting the remedy in this Biochemic system is different from the Homoeopathic system. Here the selection is based on a perceived ‘deficiency’ of the tissue salts. It is not based on the homoeopathic ‘law of cure’ (let likes be treated by likes). The main thing in common between homeopathy and biochemistry is that the remedies are administered in a ‘potentised’ form. That is, they are given as pills of sugar of milk that contain a vibration of the inorganic salt. There is no active chemical, and hence it is not a drug therapy.

This biochemic system is much simpler than its parent, homoeopathy. Here you choose the remedy from just twelve tissue salts! On the other hand, in homoeopathy you have to collect a very wide range of symptoms, repertories them, and then find the matching remedy from an equally large number of remedies. Hence, the task can be overwhelming.

The twelve tissue-salts

Here we give the ‘signature’ of the twelve Biochemic Tissue-Salts. For a more detailed discussion, please refer to the author’s book (The Biochemic Prescriber, available from the Amazon and Kindle online stores). The Biochemic tissue salts are available from most of the Homeopathic Pharmacies.

Cal Fluor

This salt governs the elasticity of the muscular fibres and connective tissues. Its deficiency makes the skin, muscles, ligaments and/or veins lose their elasticity. Hence, the ruling symptom is loss of flexibility, elasticity or chronic dilation.

Thus, it will heal a prolapsed uterus or bladder (with dragging down sensations); haemorrhoids (that itch and bleed); joints that easily dislocate; glands that have hardened and calcified since exudation was difficult; skin that is cracked or chapped; and veins that have become varicose.

It is also useful for overcoming lose teeth and receding gums; and for treating lumps that develop on bones (after a bad bruise to a bone or a fracture) or around joints (after a bad sprain). It also strengthens the bones that bend, as in bow legs or hunched back; or where spurs have developed, as in osteoarthritis.

Cal Phos

This salt is associated with defective nutrition in bones, muscle, and glands and with teething troubles in children.

It is an essential mineral in gastric juices that are necessary for protein assimilation. Hence, it is given for building the blood cells (anaemia), muscles (strength) and bones (as in teething). It is commonly used as a tonic to quicken recovery after an illness or after there have been exhausting albuminous discharges and menopause.

The deficiency of this salt causes foul taste in the mouth along with bloating, flatulence or heartburn. Often the person cannot bear tight clothing. And there are freckles and pimples on the face.

This salt is also used to treat aching pains in bones, cartilages, joints and muscles; and for healing brittle bones or bones after a fracture; and for treating the effects of wasting diseases like TB, sexual excess and emotional disorders.

Cal Sulf

The main function of this salt is to remove impurities (like pus) from the skin and blood. These impurities show their effect on the mucous membranes and the skin: The boils or abscesses discharge, but not heal.

The different organs of the body cannot perform their tasks well when the blood becomes toxic with pus. Hence, this salt is often used as an inter-current remedy while treating chronic coughs, colds, earaches, eczemas, and eye infections. The discharges are characteristically thick and yellow. It serves as an expectorant in chest congestions.

Ferrum Phos

This salt is a constituent of the red blood corpuscles, which act as the carrier of oxygen to the different organs of the body. Whenever there is infection or inflammation in any part of the body (heat, redness and pain), the temperature rises to fight the bacteria or virus, and unless it rises beyond 102 degrees, it should not be suppressed. This salt is most useful at this stage. It is the ‘rescue remedy’ in all acute illnesses.

Thus, Ferrum phos is used in the first stage of fevers and at the onset of an acute respiratory illnesses (like coughs or colds), before any swellings or discharges have developed. The person will be listless and there is redness of parts, with no other clear symptoms.

The lack of this salt causes the muscle fibres to relax. Hence, there is dilation with the accumulation of blood, and sometimes with haemorrhage. It is the first remedy for earaches, and nosebleeds after an injury.

Kali Mur

This cell salt unites with albumen (protein) to form fibrin, which is found in all tissues of the body except bone. When Kali mur is deficient, the fibrin becomes non-functional and causes a thick, whitish discharge from the mucus membranes. The tongue is typically coated white.

Kali mur is most useful in treating the second stage of inflammations and congestions. It helps in all catarrhal conditions such as coughs, stuffy head colds, chest colds or stuffed sinuses, etc. where there is a swelling or white discharge. There may be white ulcers or thrush in the mouth.

This salt will relieve rheumatic swellings and detoxify the lymph and glandular systems of the body. It is very useful in earaches with congestion in the Eustachian tubes (so that hearing is affected).

The skin is dry with white scales. The eczema is dry. This salt is the biochemic ‘first aid’ for burns and blisters. It stops the wound from bleeding and heals it faster.

Here the digestion is very sluggish. Often there is indigestion or diarrhoea from consuming rich or fatty food.

Kali Phos

It is the mineral constituent of the grey matter of nerve fibres, like the brain. It is used as a nerve tonic for people in the convalescent stage of any acute illness (especially after flu) where there is nervous exhaustion. Give it freely to people who are under the pressure of mental work or study (exams) or to the executives that are burning out. The person shows the need for warmth and rest.

This salt relieves the nervousness that arises from emotional stress. Hence, it is ideally suited to people who “fly of the handle for no good reason”; where there is hysteria, depression or tantrums.

This salt is also useful in septic conditions where there is a decay of the nerve fibres. The fever is high (as in intestinal fever); the breath and body odour are foul (as in tooth decay); and the discharges are also foul smelling and bloody (as in gangrene). The tongue has a mustard colour coating.

This salt is mostly used as a brain tonic to relieve nervousness, brain fag, insomnia (sleeplessness), and the condition of shattered nerves. It will also relieve dull neuralgic pains.

Kali Sulf

This salt cleanses the skin, which is the largest organ of the body. Whereas Ferrum phos carries oxygen to the organs, Kali sulf transfers the oxygen onto the cells where it is used. Hence, it is said to promote ‘cellular breathing’. In this way it cleanses the epidermis (top layer of skin). It overcomes the dull and sickly appearance of the skin, psoriasis, and scaling as in dandruff. In skin eruptions the discharges are sticky and yellow, as in chicken pox.

The discharges from the mucus membranes are typically yellow. The tongue is coated yellow; the discharges are thick and sticky and cause wheezing in the chest which often gets worse between 3 to 5 AM. It is useful in the third stage of coughs, colds, earaches, etc. where expectoration has formed, but it is sticky and difficult to bring out.

It is used in inflammatory fevers to open up the pores of the skin and cause perspiration. It relieves ailments that are due to suppressed eruptions. The eruption returns in a milder form, which can be easily overcome.

This remedy is indicated when a change of weather from cold to warm. It brings on the symptoms of cough, cold, or rheumatic pains that typically move (shift) around in the body.

Mag Phos

This salt has a striking effect on white-nerve fibres and muscles. We call it the ‘biochemic aspirin’ since it relieves pains anywhere – in earache, headache, toothache (including teething in babies), abdominal colic, muscular spasms and even sciatica — as long as the pains are better by heat and pressure.

The characteristic of the pain is neuralgic (i.e. sharp, spasmodic or cutting pains that come and go). It is not a dull pain! The action of this tissue salt is the opposite of Ferrum Phos, where there is relaxation muscles contract. Here there is convulsion, cramp and restlessness.

This salt will relieve painful menses, muscular twitching, hiccough and spasmodic coughs. Women who need this remedy may be found doubled up in bed with a hot water bottle pressed into their abdomen.

Natrum Mur

This salt affects the ‘water balance’ in mucous membranes, skin and body organs. There is dryness in the mouth along with strong thirst; lips are dry with a crack in the lower lip; the cough is dry and hacking; the bowels are constipated, etc. On the other hand the discharges are watery: the nose is running; the eyes are watering; and there is much sneezing.

It will relieve edema (excessive fluid build up in specific areas of the body) like puffy ankles; the creaking in joints (due to dryness); painful mouth ulcers; and water-filled blisters (herpetic eruptions).

The headache of Nat mur is usually throbbing or hammering. It arises due to fluid imbalance in the brain. The patient has poor endurance to the heat of the sun, and so they often get a headache from exposure to sun.

The food takes a long time to digest in the stomach, so there is indigestion and full sensation. Sometimes there is a salty taste in the mouth; sometimes there is a craving for salt; and many troubles are aggravated by living near the seashore.

Nat Phos

This salt maintains the alkaline balance in the body. It emulsifies fatty acids and keeps the uric acid soluble in the blood. It is useful in troubles of the stomach and intestines when there is ‘acidity’ – a burning sensation with indigestion and gas. The digestive tract is very sensitive and intolerant to ‘acid forming’ foods like milk, fats, sweets, alcohol and vinegar. The person usually has a large appetite, but feels worse after eating.

Often there is acid belching after eating; itching around the anus due to worms (which thrive in acidic conditions); obstinate constipation or constipation alternating with sour smelling and burning diarrhoea with sudden urging.

All the discharges here are characteristically sour smelling and creamy yellow. The skin is sore and itching with eczema or yellow scabs. Often there is eczema in the lower foot with intolerable itching.

This salt keeps urea soluble in the blood; otherwise uric acid salts can precipitate around joints and ligaments of the body causing STIFFNESS in skeletal muscles and swellings in joints. Hence, this salt is known to relieve (inflammatory) rheumatic conditions from acid diathesis. It is also a kidney tonic.

Nat Sulf

This salt is associated with the liver and it cleanses the intercellular fluids of the body.

Nat sulf is involved in carbohydrate metabolism in the body. Hence, it is useful in treating digestive upsets or nausea after eating starchy foods or fruits; and in morning diarrhoea where the stools are greenish.

It is called the ‘liver salt’ since the liver is often swollen, there is excessive bile (as in jaundice) and the gall bladder is sensitive. The taste is bitter, the tongue is coated dirty green-brown, and the discharges are greenish.

Nat sulf it is used to cleanse the cellular wastes from the cells and the intercellular fluid. Hence, it is often called the detox salt. It is also used to treat intermittent fevers (that come and go); influenza with coughs and colds; rheumatism due to toxaemia; and headaches which are dull and occipital (at the base of the head). It also relieves the hangover that arises from taking excessive drinks.

A feeling of dullness and stuffiness in damp or wet weather always calls for this salt.


The deficiency of this salt affects keratin, the fibrous tissue in the body. It gives rise to weakness in the connective tissues of bones, glands, hair, mucous membranes, nails, skin and teeth. There is a typical brittleness of hair and nails; and the skin develops wrinkles and cracks.

This salt will get rid of superfluous organic matter in the body. It functions like a surgeon in finishing abscesses, boils, carbuncles, corns and styes. It hastens the suppuration or pus-formation process in boils and abscesses that are painful, but do not discharge easily. It will extrude foreign bodies like thorns from under the skin. In gout or rheumatic affections it will push the tissues to throw out the accumulated waste. It will act on post-surgical scars that are inflamed, painful, and slow to heal.

It will relieve chronic swellings in glands, in the throat, in the ear, and of the sinuses.

This tissue-salt is most useful in long continued infections and in chronic skin disorders. The difference between the action of Cal sulf and Silicea is that Silicea ripens the abscess and promotes suppuration, whereas Cal sulf restrains the suppuration to cleanse and close the wound.

The Silicea person is typically sensitive, chilly, and sweaty; he catches cold easily; becomes chilled by cold wind; and lacks stamina and easily worn out by work. The body is imperfectly nourished due to deficient assimilation. The perspiration smells foul; the skin itches; milk is not digested easily; and many symptoms are sensitive to the Moon phases, particularly to full Moon and new Moon.

A summary

Thinking in terms of the ‘cell salts’,
Calcium is associated with disorders of nutrition and bones.
Sodium is associated with troubles of digestion and elimination. It gives rise to symptoms like acidity, sluggishness and rheumatism.
Potassium is associated with auto-intoxication as in blood diseases and nerve troubles. It is also associated with mucus and skin disorders.
Iron is associated with circulation and oxygen starvation.
Silicea is associated with constitutional weakness and deformities in nails and teeth. And
Magnesium is associated with cramps and nerve spasms.

Remedies for Classified Diseases

Common Disorders

Leading Remedies

Abscess, boils with pus (painful) Sil and then Calc sulf
Acidity, indigestion, heart burn, peptic ulcer Nat phos
Anaemia Ferr phos, Cal phos, Nat mur (thin blood)
Arteriosclerosis (hardening of arteries) Cal fluor
Asthma, humid Nat sulf, Nat mur

Chronic: Sil

Allergic rhinitis (sneezing, cold, headache) Nat mur; also consider Kali mur, Kali sulf
Anxiety, tension Kali phos; from grief: Nat mur
Bites of insects Nat mur (apply)
Bone and teeth tonic Cal fluor, Cal phos, Sil
Bronchitis (wheezing), short breath; allergic Ferr phos; Kali sulf; Kali mur
Catarrh (stuffed up mucus membrane of nose and throat) Congestion: Kali mur; Dry or watery: Nat mur

Chronic: Cal sulf, Kali sulf, Sil

Constipation Dryness: Nat mur;

with mucus Kali mur;

with acidity: Nat phos;

chronic: Sil

Corns (feet) Sil; in palm: Nat mur
Colic – pain in abdomen Mag phos;

due to bad gas: Nat sulf

Cough Kali mur, Kali sulf;

as intercurrent: Cal phos;

chronic: Cal sulf

Cramps Muscular: Mag phos; digestive: Cal phos;

nervous: Kali phos






Water within organs:

Endocrine glands

Intercellular fluids:


Cal phos, Kali mur

Cal sulf

Kali phos

Kali sulf

Nat mur

Kali Sulf

Nat sulf, Kali mur

Diarrhoea Nat phos, Nat sulf;

chronic: Sil

Diabetes Nat phos; Nat sulf
Dysentery With blood: Ferr phos, Kali phos.

With mucus: Kali mur, Kali sulf.

With pus: Cal sulf

Depression Nervous: Kali phos;

from grief: Nat mur;

from sadness: Nat sulf

Earache Ferr phos, Kali mur, Kali sulf
Eye infection Cal sulf
Eczema Dry & whitish: Kali mur;

dry or watery: Nat mur;

sticky & yellow: Kali sulf;

wet: Nat sulf;

chronic: Sil, Cal sulf

Epitasis, bleeding from the nose Ferr phos, Cal phos


to promote perspiration:


Influenza (flu):

Typhoid (high):

Hay Fever


Ferr phos

Kali sulf

Nat sulf; Nat mur

Nat sulf; Kali mur

Kali phos

Nat mur, Nat sulf; Sil

Flatulence: Nat sulf, Sil.
Gas, belching: Nat phos, Cal phos.

due to dandruff:

Chronic: Sil;

Kali sulf, Nat mur

Hives (Nettle rash) Kali Sulf, Nat mur, Nat phos
Herpes (small painful water filled blisters along the nerve site): Nat mur.

Second stage: Sil or Cal sulf;

pain during: Kali phos

Hormonal disturbance Kali sulf; Cal phos
Irritable, angry Kali sulf, Nat mur
Ligament damage Sil
Liver troubles Jaundice: Nat sulf;

congestion: Kali mur;

abscess: Cal sulf

Mania (mental problems) Kali phos; Nat mur
Measles, chicken pox Kali mur, Kali sulf
Mouth ulcers Kali mur, Nat phos, Nat mur
Osteoarthritis Spurs: Cal flour;

creaking due to dryness: Nat mur

Piles, haemorrhoids Calc fluor
Pimples, acne Calc phos, Nat phos;
Rheumatism (muscular, fibrositis) Nat phos, Nat sulf;

with swelling: Kali mur;

shifting pains: Kali sulf

Sinusitis Congested: Kali mur;

inflamed: Cal sulf;

chronic: Sil

Sleeplessness (Insomnia) Nervous: Kali phos;

digestive: Nat phos, Nat Sulf

Stone in the kidney To relieve pain: Mag phos;

to dissolve stones: Sil & Cal phos

Suicidal disposition Kali phos
Tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sore throat Kali mur;

chronic: Sil

Toothache Kali phos
Ulcers Sil, Cal Fluor, Cal sulf
Vertigo (giddiness) Nervous: Kali phos;

bilious: Nat sulf;

weakness: Cal phos

Weakness, general debility, exhaustion Kali phos, Cal phos;

chronic: Sil

Worms (in children) Nat phos; then Cal phos
Warts Soft: Nat sulf, Nat mur, Kali mur;

hard: Sil, Cal fluor

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Published by

Prashant Shah

He was educated in science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, USA) and University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC, USA). During his student days he learnt Mysticism from Shri Nyaya Sharma, a Master of Shiva Tantra Yoga. He offers Spiritual Guidance through Darshana Centre, a School of Yoga-Mysticism at Baroda, India. He learnt Homoeopathy from Post Graduate Homoeopathic Association, Bombay, has healing hands and uses Pranic Healing. He learnt entrepreneurial skills through EKS, an Advanced Management Diploma Program offered by ‘Mewes Systems’ of Frankfurt, Germany. He uses EKS and Vedic Astrology to do Counselling. He conducts ‘spiritual awareness workshops’ regularly in USA and from time to time in India. He is an Author of many self-help and spiritual books and a Speaker on related subjects. He writes and speaks clearly, in simple language, and from personal experience. He has written the books: The Crisis of Modern Humanity (1976); Essence of Hindu Astrology (1987); and his more recent publications are The Art of Awakening the Soul (2011), Healing without Drugs (2014), Solving the Problems of Life (2015), The Biochemic Prescriber (2016), and How to Restore your Health Naturally (2017). These are available from the Amazon and Kindle online bookstores.

5 thoughts on “The Biochemic Way to Health”

  1. These Biochemic remedies are surprisingly very effective and one feels the effect after taking a few doses itself (for the chronic disorders). The writeup is like an encyclopedia on functioning of human body. The more one reads more he starts getting insight into how the human body is designed to function, what causes imbalance and the remedy to restore the healthy functioning of the body. A thorough reading of this writeup enables the reader to understand his constitution and make decisions on resolving his health issues.

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